Coral and Jason are the new owners of the Virgin Islands Campground here on Water Island. In the photo below, they are shown making generous $500 contributions to WICA and to WISAR, for which we are grateful, as a token of their support for these two worthy organizations. Following the photo is the press release that was issued that day, introducing themselves to the community. If you see them around the island in the coming week, introduce yourself and give them a warm Water Island welcome.
Water Island, USVI — February 10, 2022 — Virgin Islands Campground is pleased to announce that they have been acquired by the Reynolds family. Jason, Coral, and teenage son Brett Reynolds are excited about their new adventure. Located on beautiful Water Island, the campground will continue to operate with Dick and Dawn Gogin on property as your friendly camp hosts.
The family, who currently resides in California, has spent the better part of this decade exploring and searching for a new endeavor. Jason, an avid backpacker, and diver has spent the last 7 years in the Insurance premium finance sector and is looking forward to being closer to his family that is spread across the Caribbean. Coral is starting her 14th year at a successful plush company, where she currently holds the position of President. Brett is a junior in high school and will be completing his schooling in the Los Angeles, CA area. The three plan to use their collective skills and background to elevate the experience of campers while always keeping an eye towards conservation and sustainability.
Virgin Islands Campground is an eco-sensitive, glamping style campground with eight cottages and a panoramic suite, located on Water Island, a quick 7 min Ferry ride from St. Thomas. All lodgings have a beautiful view of the ocean to the east, where each morning you are greeted with a picturesque view of the sun as it rises above the horizon. Get to know your fellow campers in the communal kitchen pavilion as you relax and recount your adventures of the day.
In coordination with David Roselle of Water Island Civic Association and Rachel Ackley of the Water Island Search and Rescue team, the family will be donating $500 to each organization to show their appreciation for the work that they do. To get to know the neighbors and introduce themselves, Jason and Coral will be hosting a small open house at the campground on Saturday, February 19th, 2022, from 1:00PM -4:00PM.
Please stop by for drinks and snacks and get to know them.
For reservations, please visit If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Jason or Coral Reynolds at (340) 776-5488 or Look for them on Facebook and Instagram - @vicampground
The VI Energy Office has just announced a 40% rebate on Energy Star appliances. Click on the link below for a copy of the application form. Thanks to Chuck Gidley for the heads-up!
UPDATE FROM CHUCK: I submitted the Application to VI Energy Office by email on 18 Dec 20. On 14 Jan 21, I received a check for 40% of the appliance purchase price. So the VI Energy Rebate program is real. Contact me if you want to find out what is needed to submit in the application. Chuck Gidley
Click Here for USVI Energy Star Rebate Offer
Click graphic for PDF version of full report.
Click graphic for PDF version of full report.
My name is Julia Joseph-Simon. I am the Logistics Lead for St. Thomas, St. John and Water Island and the DAT (Disaster Action Team) Lead for St. Thomas, with the American Red Cross Virgin Islands Chapter. We need help and representatives on Water Island and St. Thomas. If anyone is interested, they will need a computer, and they can go up on On the top bar of the website, there are several tabs. Click on the tab that says volunteer and then you can click on the tab, become a volunteer. Just fill in your information and someone will get in touch with them.
The purpose for the computer is for them to do their training. Most of the trainings are virtual and very easy to go through. Your assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Good day All
I am pleased to announce that Honeymoon beach is now part of the Water Quality Program. At the request of Governor Bryan, and in conjunction with the recent review of the DPNR Water Quality Program, DPNR has added Druif Bay, Water Island (Honeymoon Beach) to the Water Quality Monitoring Program, which evaluates weekly water quality at popular swimming beaches throughout the Territory by sampling for Enterococci, Bacteria and Turbidity, which is a measure of water clarity and safety.
The information will be announced weekly in the DPNR Beach Advisory media notice.
For additional information, contact the DPNR Environmental Program Manager. The Bryan/Roach administration is committed to making sure that Water Island receives nothing but the best.
Avery L. Lewis
Administrator- St. Thomas/ Water Island
Office of the Governor
Chuck Gidley has been working all year to get the transfer site cleaned up with assistance from Ms Robles at WMA and Brad Monroe.
WICA had funded a cleanout in June. Now the pile is back again, picture below.
To address the requirement to remove the metal, we are using one of the three bins for metal. Waste Management is bringing over a big bin so we can put more items into the bin. It should take at least 5 weeks to get all or most loaded. The WICA cost is to have the bin handpacked to get as much in the bin as possible, and this will be about $800. Waste Management is paying for the bin, driver and barge.
Click graphics for full PDF versions of press release and Governor's order.
It is with great sadness that we share the news that Wally Henshaw has passed away.
Wally was a very long time resident and patriarch of Water Island. Very community oriented, Wally was always working with the Water Island Civic Association for the betterment of Water island and our residents.
Our sincere condolences go out to Peggy Bennett, Missy Petit, Wally's daughter, and the rest of Wally's family.
Water Island, and the world, was a much better place because of Wally Henshaw. Rest in peace our friend.
When Wally's official obituary is available we will post it.
Click graphics for full PDF versions of press release and Governor's order.
If you would like to have someone else pick up your new post office box key, the procedure is that the owner(s) of the mailbox must provide that person with a filled out PS1094 form to submit to the Post Office, along with a CLEAR copy of a photo ID and a letter (not notarized) authorizing whomever to accept keys. All names, signatures and ID’s are to match.
Print Engraved - W.I. Map
Created by John Barth, son of Carolyn and Jerry Barth
Bids end tonight Wednesday April 15 at 9:00 pm
Another big thanks to Chuck Gidley for coordination and follow through on this project and Brad Monroe for updates and guidance!
As of 27 March 20, almost all of the metal has been removed from the dump. There are just some large pieces of metal that will have to remain as they are very very heavy. WICA paid Flacco to load the bins. VI Waste Management paid the trucker and Brad to haul the bins. There were 12 bins of metal removed from the dump.
On 30 and 31 March Flacco cleaned up the oil area in the dump. He also loaded over 100 tires (without rims) into the dumpster. See photos below. WICA will pay Flacco for his work. VI Waste Management will pay the trucker and Brad to move the bin.
There are over 200 more tires in the tire pile that have rims and cannot be taken to St T until the rims are removed. Work is underway to get the rims off many of the tires that remain in the dump (thanks to Rachael and Shane).Remember, that the tire pile has been there and growing for over 25 years. And the tires all came off vehicles belonging to Water Islanders.We hope to get another bin for tires when there are sufficient tires without rims to fill another dumpster.
And our own thanks to Linda Gidley for all her efforts!
This 56â??x75â?? Batik quilt, by Jane Lee Schaffer
will be up for auction today, Friday March 27th, at 4:00pm
Thanks and happy bidding!
Please be advised that our mail carrier has advised that large boxes will not be brought over in near future. If anyone wants to comment, the proper person is VI Postmaster or our Delegate Plaskett.
Good Evening Water Island Community
Please see attached the latest updates as it pertains to COVID19. Tomorrow March 25, 2020 at 1:00pm Governor Albert Bryan Jr. and the COVID19 Response Team shall be updating the territory.
I have also included the direct link to Department of Health official website that has all the information about COVID 19. and the CDC website .
I am asking that all cellphone subscribers sign up for the local alerts on news and information about the coronavirus in the U.S. Virgin Islands by texting COVID19USVI to 888777.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we move forward during this pandemic. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.
Avery L. Lewis
Administrator- St. Thomas/ Water Island
Office of the Governor
5047 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802-6487
340-774-0001 Ext. 4350 or 4344
Announcement of Governor's Executive Order
Governor's Executive Order on Closures
Governor's Update Announcement
Veterans Affairs Press Release
Watch for another of Pat Cheeseboroughâ??s paintings that I am ready to post on Facebook Water Island News, tomorrow Monday, March 23rd at 10:00am.
If you are not already a member of the â??Water Island Newsâ?? group, then request to join so that you donâ??t miss this opportunity to bid, or send someone you know a proxy bid to bid on your behalf.
Happy Bidding! Thanks, Mercy
This Pat Cheesborough painting is going for bid on Facebook "Water Island News" on Saturday, March 21st starting at 8:00am and closes on Monday at 6:00pm. See Auction Update news item below for more details.
The Water Island Civic Association Auction, scheduled for Saturday, March 21, 2020, has been canceled in accordance with VI Governorâ??s directorate.
Over 120 items have been donated and many of them, during the past three weeks, have been shown as preview photos on Facebook â??Whatâ??s Going On Water Islandâ?? & â??Water Island Newsâ??. Having seen the preview photos, a number of people have asked if there was a method to bid on items they are interested in. The Auction Committee has decided to place select items for On-Line bidding on Facebook â??Water Island Newsâ??:
Since â??Water Island Newsâ?? is a â??Closed Groupâ??, first-time visitors to the sight will have to request to join the group. The site administrator will need to add you to the group, so that you can post comments.
Individual items will be identified with a header as â??AUCTION ITEMâ?? and will be posted on â??Water Island Newsâ??, with a set closing date and time. Some items will have a RESERVE price, or minimum opening bid, and that amount will be noted in the listing. If interested in biding, a dollar amount can be entered in the comments section of the listed item.
VI Government recommending NO 50+ group gatherings, and to concentrate on Social Distancing.
The Water Island (WICA) Auction scheduled for this Saturday, March 21st will be postponed until an as yet undetermined future date.
Dear Water Islanders and USVI community,
As more cases of COVID 19 are confirmed all over the world and another one here in the USVI bring us to 2 confirmed cases so far we need to be vigilant in our efforts to mitigate the spread of the virus and also of the fears and panic that come with it.
Some things you can do:
of course number one is wash wash wash your hands.
Donâ??t touch your face when out where you may have touched infected surfaces.
Eat well and stay hydrated.
Stay home. Social distancing doesnâ??t have to be all that bad. At least here we can go for a walk or a swim, sun ourselves on the patio and not have to be near anyone to do so. Some folks up in colder country donâ??t have that option...
DONâ??T panic. Get yourself a 2-4 week supply of food and medications you need, just like you would for hurricane season and hunker down.
Discourage folks from coming down to the islands for non essential travel.
Donâ??t attend large group meetings.
This thing is real and the best thing we can do is try to slow its spread in our community as best we can. Our local hospital could very easily be overwhelmed.
Keep yourself and your neighbor safe by maintaining safe distance for a while.
If you are in need of help reach out to a friend.
Sign up for COVID-19 alerts by texting COVID19USVI to 888777
You will receive text alerts with updates and links to follow.
Make sure you are using a reliable source for information so mis-information doesnâ??t spread and cause panic.
If you think you are sick with COVID-19 you can call the health department (340) 712 -6299 or (340) 776-1519 they will ask you a series of questions about your illness to determine if you fit the criteria to need testing.
It is my current understanding from talking with health professionals in the field that fever, body aches and dry cough are the major symptoms of the virus. The virus apparently doesnâ??t affect children and younger people as badly as adults and older folks. Although underlying health conditions can cause complications. So even if you arenâ??t in the high risk group for viral complications please for the sake of the older and immune compromised folks around you take all the precautions you can to avoid spread of this virus.
We can do this. We just have to remain calm and take care of each other.
I was able to be in a teleconference this morning and again this eve with VITEMA and government department heads.
The info I learned is:
- 1st of all, they expect NO disruption in the food and other products supply chain to the islands. They have teams that are in place to work with port authority etc to make sure the port remains open to cargo ships.
- public schools are being closed
- carnival is postponed as you may already know
- government officials are figuring out how to have employees work from home and teleconference as much as possible
- People are being discouraged from riding the st John ferry unless it is for necessary movements
- Gatherings of Groups of 50 or more persons are highly discouraged
- NO permits are being given at this time for public events
- There are NOT any curfews in place at this time (the text some may have received was from Puerto Rico)
Director of VITEMA Daryl Jaschen wants to be ahead of the curve on this for the health and safety of everyone in the USVI
Stay healthy folks.
I will try to post updates as I get any new info.
Rachael Ackley
Water Island Search and Rescue
For the protection of all Virgin Island residents and tourists, the Water Island Civic Association is entering into a contract with Ocean Systems Lab for monthly testing of the water in the Honeymoon Beach swim area. The results are to be posted in various media as every other beach water quality testing. This effort was initiated by the WICA Auction Committee and fully supported by the WICA membership.
A big thanks to Chuck Gidley for coordination and follow through on this project and Brad Monroe for updates and guidance!
So far this year WICA has paid Flaco and a helper to load 4 dumpsters with metal. VI Waste Management is paying to have a large dumpster brought over on the barge each Friday, taken back on the barge the following Friday, and then taken to the landfill on St Thomas for the metal contractor. It is anticipated that 3-4 more dumpsters will be need to fully clean up the pile in the dump site. We will update you when job is finished. Here is the most recent photo of the filled dumpster.
On Thursday 2/6/2020 VITEMA will be holding a town hall meeting at our
firehouse on Water Island at 5:30 pm.
At that time Daryl Jaschen VITEMA's director will be the presenter and
will be available for questions. It is expected to last about 1 hour. This
is not a WISAR only event, all Island residents are encouraged to attend.
please invite others.
When: Thursday 2/6/2020, 5:30pm
Where: Water Island Firehouse
Please attend if you can;
Jim Zimmermann
Secretary, WISAR
eCLICK HERE FOR 2017 - 2018 NEWS
Click Here For ALL Information Related To The Proposed Resort / Hotel On Water Island

2019 NEWS
DHS Press Release
Abandoned Vehicles
Posted August 13, 2019 Water Island Administrator Lewis's office was on Water Island yesterday and has tagged cars and boats that appear to be abandoned on public property.
White Goods At Dump
Posted August 13, 2019 You all have seen the large collection of appliances and metal at the dump.
WICA began on 9 August to hand load appliances into one of the dumpster bins. Packing the dumpster carefully will allow us to get many appliances in the bin. If this goes well, WICA will do this weekly until all are removed.
WICA is asking residents to please use only two bins and not to place any household items in the METAL ONLY bin. Please do not place any large furniture items in the bins until we get the metal items removed from the dump.
If we are all considerate, we can get the appliances and metal removed before prime hurricane season. Please break down boxes and do the best you can to fit household debris into the two bins. We can do this!
UPDATE! WICA is paying for a white goods bin barge and labor to load it in partnership with WMA starting next week.
Apparently not everyone received the information about keeping one bin empty for metal/white goods. Can we ALL please try harder.
Water Island Administrator Correspondence
Posted August 1, 2019 The below email is correspondence from our Water Island Administrator, Avery Lewis, with the Water Island Civic Association President, Joanne Bohr. We felt all residents and members of WICA would want to be aware of current events effecting Water Island.
From: Avery Lewis <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:05 PM
To: Joanne Bohr <>
Subject: Response to WICA
Good Morning Mrs. Bohr
Please see the correct version of the response to your inquiries and again I ask that the first email be disregarded. I am and will remain reachable and committed to the residents of Water Island. If you have any further inquiries please feel free to contact me. Again thank you for your patience and understanding.
â??Good morning Mr. Lewis:
We hope this email finds you well. I have been remiss in not asking for this information earlier, but many of the Water Island Civic Association members are asking your assistance on the following topics:
1. Hotel lease status.
I have received many emails and calls asking if the 2014 lease is still in place. The EDA investment solicitation for real estate development in the VI Consortium indicates there are 197 acres available for development. Is that accurate?
Please submit the VI Consortium article you are reading for this information, as I am not familiar with the article you are referring to. For the total acreage of Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States-owned properties located on Water Island, I refer you to pages 98 and 99 in the attached listing from the Department of Property and Procurement (P&P), which is also available on the P&P website.
The WICA membership had not been aware of any activity over the past 4 years so it was believed the lease was no longer valid. I refer you to Bob Jacksonâ??s email, the developerâ??s representative, which is posted on the WICA website, dated February 20, 2019, which indicates Governor Bryanâ??s support for the project along with Mr. Jacksonâ??s full contact information. Also on the WICA website is a copy of the lease with the terms clearly identified and I direct your attention to Section 3:02.
Would you please advise current status and plans? There were project changes that enlarged the sites after the original town meeting --but no real information is provided. We are a small residential island with few services available so you can understand our concern of what a massive project would do to our quality of life as Virgin Islanders.
When I responded to your email on April 1st, it was to a similar question.
I refer you to that 4/1/19 email, which in part stated that â?¦there is certainly no information blacked-out related to WICA members, any Water Island residents, or any other Virgin Islander on this projectâ?¦this project remains the same as was laid out to the Water Island residents at the luncheon meeting held by the developer several years ago. The development project was stalled by the prior administration's opposition to the legislative amendments that were needed for the project to be financeableâ?¦andâ?¦Simply, no new information existsâ?¦
2. Honeymoon beach facilities and infrastructure are overwhelmed and severe environmental damage is happening without any real restriction or enforcement WICA was told WI would be part of the water testing program and are unaware if testing is actually done or where we can find the results. The sewage and water issues are not new but a serious problem. We see the existing business expanding without the supporting bathroom facilities increased or improved.
The Department of Sports, Parks, and Recreation (SPR), in conjunction with the Department of Tourism, and the Department of Planning and Natural Resources, are working to maintain a balance on the Honeymoon Beach for all residents and visitors. SPR interacts with your Water Island vendors, all who are Water Island residents, numerous times a week. Communication and cooperation are the key; I am in regular conversation with Commissioner White, and offer the suggestion that you reach out to your Water Island neighbors, who are the beach vendors, as well.
DPNR in previous requests indicated they did not have the funding to add the Honeymoon Beach area in their monthly beach testing. I will reach out to them again. In the meantime, the owner of the water testing company that DPNR utilizes is a Water Island resident, and the WICA might consider this a community effort pay for Water Testing of the beach area. DPNR did perform water testing of Druif Bay (Honeymoon Beach) after the hurricanes prior to allowing the public to access the water. That test came back negative for any harmful bacteria which would prevent public use of the bay.
3. May we ask what permits or applications are in process for Water Island? There was a moratorium of beach permits in place but that obviously has been lifted.
I am not aware of any type of moratorium for Water Island beaches; however, I will reach out to legal counsel for a clarification.
4. We would still like to have our Governor and Commissioners attend a meeting but many of the property owners and residents take off to visit family or medical during the summer months when the kids are out of school in the states. Hopefully, we can schedule one for November or early December.
I understand that many of your property owners have duel residences; however, when the Governorâ??s schedule permits, we will entertain a meeting at that time.
5. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you and Governor Bryan at your convenience on STT or WI. Governor Bryan had indicated the Water Island Civic Association would â??have a seat at the tableâ?? discussing WI issues, so we are hopeful we can be placed on his schedule soon.
As you will recall, Water Island was one of the first neighborhoods I came to visit as the Bryan/Roach administration began, and we all look forward to more of those types of discussions. I
Many thanks for your time and consideration to this request for information and I meeting
Joanne Bohr
Water Island Civic Association
(340) 690-4258â??
Avery L. Lewis
Administrator- St. Thomas/ Water Island
Office of the Governor
5047 Kongens Gade
St. Thomas, VI 00802-6487
340-774-0001 Ext. 4350 or 4344
WICA President Reply - - -
From: Joanne Bohr
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 1:11 PM
To: Avery Lewis <>
Subject: RE: Response to WICA
Good morning Mr Lewis
Please be assured we understand the first reply was sent in error and will use this response for distribution (beyond who received the original email).
There are a few items we could use some clarificationâ?? see further comments/questions below if you would review and advise.
Hotel/Lease I will ask Mary Dunakey, WICA VP to address hotel and lease questions that I may not be addressing properly.
(Please note--while we support a small boutique hotel, we must be able to ask relevant questions on something as important as a major development planned for an island our size. This is why we asked for current status reaching out to you as our Administrator and Bob Jackson who was identified as our WIDC contact person. This was not to disrupt the project but to ensure we understood where the project stood --if it has expired due to the terms of the lease).
Beach issues:
The laboratory you referenced by WI resident does not have the records of post-hurricane Druif Bay water testing. Perhaps a different lab was used; but DPNR did not have any record of same. It was at that time, WICA was told by DPNR WI would be added to the sites due to size of population using the beach.
At your suggestion, we will ask WICA membership to fund the lab fee to test Honeymoon Beach at least monthly for the safety of VI residents and tourists alike
Please know, we are in communication with both Mr. White and Mr. Oriol frequently and value their tremendous assistance and guidance.
Unfortunately, it seems there is no funding available to provide management or bathroom facilities in spite of the huge increase in visitors that need the restroom facilities. Heidiâ??s Honeymoon Grill has sponsored some community efforts to improve the beach use by visitors and residents over the past year.
WICA will continue to reach out to both commissioners to raise issues and safety concerns.
One last note:
We know Water Island has not always been part of the USVI---but since 1996 we are proud to be VI Residents and also tax payers.
As such, it was surprising to read your comment sent in April: â??We must be considerate of the fact that the Government actively pursued the hotel investors through an RFP process, and be mindful that there has been no substantive contributing economic activity on Water Island since the first hotel was built in 1953, changing ownership several times, and destroyed by the Hurricane of 1989â??
Mr Lewis, I am sure our property taxes and especially our income taxes paid have â??contributed to the economic activityâ?? of the VI.
Again, we thank you for your time and response, we also look forward to future meetings and discussions.
All the best regards
Joanne Bohr
Water Island Civic Association
340 690-4258
Joanne Bohr | Area General Manager-Caribbean
WFSâ?¨Cyril E King Airport | 8100 Lindberg #9 | ST Thomas, VI 00802| USAâ?¨T: +1 340 776 6110 | F: +1 340 776 7621 | M: +1 340 690 4258â?¨ |
Security is everyoneâ??s business
Water Island Hotel Update!!
Posted July 18, 2019
Tax Notice
Posted July 15, 2019
Lieutenant Governor Tregenza A. Roach, Esq. informs the public that the 2019 Property Tax bills have been issued to all property owners on record as of January 1, 2019. The 2019 bills are due and payable on or before August 14, 2019. Interest and penalties will accrue after October 14, 2019, pursuant to an Executive Order issued today.
Property Tax bills can be paid online at the Office of the Lieutenant Governorâ??s Tax Collectorâ??s Office website at Payments can also be made in the form of a certified check, money order, or credit card at any Office of the Lieutenant Governor cashier locations. Payment plan options are available and can be arranged by visiting the Office of the Tax Collector.
Consistent with past billings, the 2019 tax bill will include information on unpaid tax years. Property owners who have not paid their prior year tax bills are encouraged to contact the Office of the Tax Collector to set up a payment plan.
Payments can be made on all three islands at the following locations:
St. John: Islandia Building at 18-23 Enighed St. John (340) 774-2991
St. Thomas: Builders Emporium at 52E-1 Estate Thomas (340) 774-2991
Suite #2 Nisky Center (340) 774-2991
St. Croix: 1105 King Street (Government House, Christiansted) (340) 773-6449
1131 King Street, Suite #101 (Christiansted) (340) 773-6449
4008 Est. Diamond (Dept. of Finance, Sunny Isles) (340) 773-6449
Lagoon Street Commercial Bldg No.1 (Frederiksted) (340) 773-6449
For additional information or questions regarding property tax delinquencies, please contact the Office of the Tax Collector at (340) 774-2991 on St. Thomas, (340) 776-6737 on St. John, or (340) 773-6449 on St. Croix.
We Made The News!
Posted July 6, 2019 We might be small but we are mighty! Thanks to the effort of a dedicated group of people, the Water Island 4th of July Parade was a huge success! We even made the Virgin Islands Daily News!
New Street Signs!
Posted June 4, 2019 The first batch of road signs have been installed!
The signs were approved by the majority at the last annual WICA meeting. The signs have been hand made and installed by Rachael. This will help keep our visitors going where they are supposed to! We hope!
A BIG "THANK YOU!, to Rachael!
Posted May 30, 2019
The Virgin Islands Waste Management Authority (VIWMA) Preserving Paradise team advises the community and solid waste haulers that scrap metal collection at the Bovoni Landfill is on hold effective immediately, as the Landfill is over capacity in its scrap metal area and cannot accept any additional metal at this time.
In the interim, maintenance of the scrap metal area will take place. This will help to maintain a well-organized and safer environment.
The Authority will resume accepting scrap metal on Monday, June 3, 2019.
The VIWMA Preserving Paradise Team continues to work diligently to provide reliable services and would like to thank the community for their patience and cooperation.
For more information, contact the Office of Communications Management at 340-513-4171 or email
Posted April 24, 2019
The Division of Banking, Insurance, and Financial Regulation in conjunction with AARP -VI advises the public of the next general membership meeting hosted by the St. Thomas AARP Chapter #3138. The meeting will be held on Saturday, April 27, 2019at the Schneider Regional Medical Center, Sun Room at 1:30pm.
Important information for policy holders previously insured under the Real Legacy Assurance Company whose coverage has been transferred to NEMWIL Insurance Company will be discussed. All policyholders are welcomed to attend to receive detailed information on the claims process. This is the second meeting hosted by AARP-VI. The first meeting was held on March 9th by the St. Croix AARP Chapter.
A presentation on the new AARP Homeowners Insurance policy will be made by representatives of NEMWIL Insurance Company to address concerns that members may have regarding the recent transfer. Staff from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor Division of Banking, Insurance, and Financial Regulation will also attend the meeting to answer questions and provide information to those impacted by the change.
The Division of Banking, Insurance and Financial Regulation can be reached at 340-773-6459(St. Croix) and 340-774-7166(St. Thomas) for additional information.
Delegate Plaskett Meeting Recap
Posted April 15, 2019
April 11, 2019
Recap of Delegate Plaskettâ??s Water Island Visit on April 7, 2019
Our delegate arrived on Water Island on the 9:30am ferry accompanied by staff members Barbara Petersen, Cletis Clendinen, and Kyza Callwood and a security officer.
This was Delegate Plaskettâ??s first visit to Water Island.
Mary Dunakey, Chuck Gidley and Joanne Bohr conducted a tour of Water Island covering almost all of Water Island and a drive through of Sprat Bay.
We pointed out the mail room, explained our â??mail serviceâ?? and our â??libraryâ??. (In fact, Ms Plaskett was interested in a book there and we insisted she take it.)
The roads demonstrated the need for repairs and we asked that the status on FEMA funding to be addressed in the meeting.
Although not a federal issue per se, we showed her our waste transfer site and critical need for tires/oil and white goods to be removed as EPA issue.
The Fort, the WISAR boat, and Flamingo marina were also on the tour, ending at the firehouse in time for the 11AM meeting to start. Ms. Plaskett greeted everyone entering as â??Staceyâ?? and asked good questions upon meeting our community. It was well attended
The topics discussed:
A/ Water testing at Honeymoon Beach as other Beaches are tested
B/ Post Office
C/ Roads
D/ Specific FEMA listing of approved projects (and status) on WI
In addition, Barbara Petersen was able to give some history of various topics before and during the meeting.
We finished with a final tour onto the beach where WICA hosted their lunch which was a good opportunity to chat informally as well.
The feedback of the meeting received from our community has been so very positive. â??Knowledgeableâ??, â??impressiveâ??, â??approachableâ?? were some of the comments.
Our delegate explained her role as a Congresswoman, projects, and committees on which she servesâ??that are various and extensive. To view more about our delegate please visit her website
We hope to have our Delegate return, especially for those unable to attend this meeting.
Joanne Bohr
Water Island Civic Association
Posted April 10, 2019
Posted Saturday April 6, 2019 The location to meet Congresswoman Plaskett tomorrow has changed. It is now at the Water Island Firehouse at 11AM.
Mark Your Calendars!
Posted March 28, 2019 Mark it on your calendar! Sunday, April 7, 2019 at 11:00AM on Honeymoon Beach! Through the efforts of our WICA president, Joanne Bohr, and Barbara Petersen, Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett will visit Water Island to meet our residents.
Congresswoman Stacey E. Plaskett represents the United States Virgin Islandsâ?? at-large Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives. Stacey currently serves on the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee and the House Committee on Agriculture. She is also a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, where she serves as Ranking Member on the Subcommittee on the Interior, Energy, and Environment.
Very Sad Announcement
Posted March 22, 2019 It is with tremendous sadness that we announce the passing of one of our longtime residents and dear, dear, friends, Carol Richardson. Carol passed away earlier this week. As we all know, Carol was a tremendously talented artist that contributed her work to the WICA Annual Auction every year. Almost without fail, her beautiful, sought after work, attracted the highest bid for the auction.
Please join friends and family of our dear neighbor and friend Carol Richardson as we celebrate her artistic talents, her heartfelt love of animals, Water Island and a life well lived.
We will be gathering at Heidiâ??s Honeymoon Grill at 10:30 am on Sunday, March 24th for a Celebration of Life.
Here is Carol's obituary from the Virgin Islands Daily News.
2019 Water Island St. Patty's Day Parade
ATTENTION! Be On The Lookout!
Christi Roselle showcasing Carol Richardson's 2019 WICA Auction painting
Posted March 18, 2019 Be on the lookout for the following people on Water Island;
The following people are part of the notorious "2019 WICA Annual Auction Success" This tireless group was led by none other than Mercy "You WILL Volunteer" Blosser.
Julie Northup, Christine Black, Jan Robinson, Sue Bubb, Lee Passios, Missy Petit, Jane Wherren, Mary Dunakey, Bob Blosser, Dennis Murphy (AKA "The Auctioneer!),Ginny Spencer, Bob Bohr, Glen Petit and his "gang" of volunteers to set the tents, Martha Langkammerer, Christi "Vanna Has Nothing On Me!" Roselle, Chuck Gidley, Robin Marion, Eric Bubb, Cristy Carli, Jane Schaffer, Christy Jacobson, AND the infamous "Heidi "I cater an amazing lunch" Erwig.
There are probably some other names that have escaped notice because they are so stealthy.When they are identified we will report their names so all know who they are!
When you see these people give them a HUGE "Thank You!" for making the 2019 WICA Annual Auction an unbelievable success.
Also, thank you to ALL of the Water Island residents and friends that contributed their talent and items. Please don't forget all of the successful bidders at the auction.
Well Done To ALL! THANK YOU!
Auction Time!
Posted March 2, 2019 Drop off times are 10AM to 3PM on the below dates!
Water Island Administrator Visit
Posted February 22, 2019
Last week, we reached out to our Water Island Administrator, Mr Avery Lewis. His office set up a tour for this morning to meet and understand different Water Island Issues.
Ms Sheryl Manning, Mr Lewisâ?? Assistant Coordinator accompanied our Administrator on the tour.
David Roselle, Mary Dunakey and I met them off the 8am ferry and gave a little history of WI, including the role of DOI, Hotel Lease and transfer to the US VI in 1996.
Mary provided a copy of the transfer deed and the shorelines act regarding development.
We drove up Providence Hill, went to the Government offices (Burkhart House) and then proceeded to the fire house. We showed them the WISAR ambulance and firetruck provided by fundraising efforts plus the firetruck from the deJongh Administration.
From there we proceeded down past Ackleyâ??s house to Fort Hill road, up to the fort; onto Deep Water dock and transfer site. David spoke about the abandoned car efforts and partnerships in the past as well as road projects on Overdown, Fort Hill, and Deep Water Dock Road (plus discussed maintenance of the dump road with assistance from volunteers, never ending)
We then travelled to see Flamingo Bay quickly and then to the beach. It was early and nothing was open yet. We told them they would not recognize this beach on cruise ship days once the ships dock.
Mr Lewis expressed concerns for the beach environment and noted DPNR is in charge. We had a half hour to chat about priorities.
All 3 of us emphasized that Water Islanders work hard to maintain our island and do as much as we can. What we need from the GVI is permission and help with major issues.
He assured we would have many visits and he or staff would come over as often as needed or possible. We all expressed thanks for coming so quickly.
I think this was a positive first step to work with the new administration
PLEASE NOTE---Congresswoman Stacey Plaskett is planning to come over in March for a Town Meetngâ??date TBA
Senator Stedmann Hodge plans on a WI visit on March 17th (he was here in July to meet WI)
A BIG Thank You!
Posted February 12, 2019 Thanks to Scott Rak for cleaning up hurricane debris and litter from the ravine right before the beach road. A much nicer view for residents and guests as you drive from the ferry dock
Annual WICA Meeting
Posted January 11, 2019 If you are a Member of WICA please go to the "Members" area on this site to view and download the 2019 WICA Annual Meeting Package and also to submit your proxy vote for the meeting if you cannot attend.