WISAR - Water Island Search & Rescue

Water Island Search & Rescue was organized in 2003 to provide emergency medical services and fire protection for the residents and visitors of Water Island. WISAR currently has 26 members and we welcome any new volunteers that wish to serve Water Island. Please call 340-642-5660.
We have one fully equipped ambulance, a pumper fire truck and boat for emergency transportation. We have 5 Automatic External Defibrillators (AED’s); one located at Dinghy's at Honeymoon Beach, 1 with team member Rachael Ackley, 1 with team member Jeannine Mydlenski and 1 in each rescue vehicle.
We Did It!
Posted April 25, 2016 Recently, 6 members of WISAR, Tom McCoy, Colette Monroe, Kevin Butler, Ouida Vaillancourt, Christy Jacobsen and Rachael Ackley, all went through Emergency Responder Training (EMR). ST John Rescue was kind enough to come over on many Saturday's over the last few months to conduct the training. The Members are much more confident and well trained!
Now fire truck training begins! Click here for photos of the training.
Goal Reached!!!
Posted March 12, 2016 We have reached 100% of our fundraising goal for our new Ambulance & Firefighting vehicle thanks to kind donations by many Water Islanders, WICA and its members!!!
Tsunami Preparedness!
Posted March 12, 2016 Water Island Search and Rescue will be participating in the March 17th Tsunami drill.
You can help and participate in a few ways:
At approximately 10:15 AM Thursday March 17th VITEMA will be testing the Tsunami warning sirens located on St Thomas, St John and St Croix. The ones that Water Islanders will most likely hear are on St Thomas at the Cyril E King Airport, Crown Bay and Addelita Cancryn School. Try to be outside at that time and make note of wether you heard the siren, wether you heard the verbal message and wether the message was understandable. Report your findings to WISAR Vice President Rachael Ackley 340-514-1483 rachaelackley@netscape.net
At 10AM WISAR members will gather at the Tsunami Zone 3 safe meeting place on Water Island (near the tower house) to discuss our evacuation plans. You can join us to ask questions and get more information on what you should do to prepare for a possible Tsunami.
Educate yourself on what the elevation of your home and work places are and wether you are in a safe zone or wether you may have to evacuate should a Tsunami be imminent. Know the route you will take to get to the nearest safe zone. Print out WISAR’s evacuation plan (available from Rachael) and post it somewhere in your home and work place. Write the elevation of your home/work place on the map. Google earth is a great way to look up your elevation. If you are 82ft or 25M above sea level then you should be safe to stay there.
Download the WISAR Tsunami Evacuation Plan HERE.
Helping Each Other
Posted March 27, 2014 WISAR purchased a brand new gurney to use for transporting victims off the island but found it was to heavy for our boat. We donated it to SJ John Rescue who can put it to much better use and received some much needed gear from them in exchange. A real Win/Win for both organizations!
Fire Truck Training
Posted June 1, 2008 WISAR members participated in Fire Truck Operation training at 7:30am this morning! Talk about dedicated. The members became proficient at the pump operation and hose handling.
Thank You Sam
Save a Life

Fire Truck Training