Helping Each Other
Posted March 27, 2014 WISAR purchased a brand new gurney to use for transporting victims off the island but found it was to heavy for our boat. We donated it to SJ John Rescue who can put it to much better use and received some much needed gear from them in exchange. A real Win/Win for both organizations!
Fire Truck Training
Posted June 1, 2008 WISAR members participated in Fire Truck Operation training at 7:30am this morning! Talk about dedicated. The members became proficient at the pump operation and hose handling.
Thank You Sam
Posted May 2, 2008 Sam Talarico, on the right, was recently honored by the Water Island Search & Rescue. Sam is leaving Water Island and WISAR wanted to thank Sam for being one of the founding members of WISAR. We all wish him well and give him our hearty "Thanks" for helping Water Island.
Save a Life

Posted April 17, 2008 WISAR is sponsoring a Red Cross 8 - hour CPR/AED/ First Aid Course. The 8 - hour course will be conducted for 2 hours a night over 4 nights. The dates are May 6, 7, 13 & 14, 2008, 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM, each night.
The training will be conducted at the Water Island Fire Station. The cost for non-members of WISAR is $60. This training is open to all interested parties. Please register with Mary Coe, 340-774-2024, no later than May 2, 2008.
This is an excellent opportunity to acquire skills that can save a life!
Fire Truck Training

Posted April 17, 2008 At the monthly WISAR meeting on April 16th the members received instruction and refresher training on how to operate the various components of the WISAR Fire Truck.