

Wica Meeting Minutes 2-5-11

Water Island Civic Association, Inc.
One Water Island
St Thomas, VI 00802-7800
February 6, 2011
A session of the Executive Committee was held on Sunday, February 6, 2011 at Honeymoon Beach, with the specific purpose to set dates for quarterly meetings to be held in 2011.  Meeting was called to order at 9:05 A.M.
Attendees:   Ray Lopez, Stuart Butler, Wally Henshaw, Mercy Blosser, and Mary Lynn Tucker  
Absent:  Helena Sudek, Barbara Archibald, Karen Congero, and Nils Wessell
Quarterly meetings set:
March 13, 2011
June 12, 2011
September 18, 2011
November 20, 2011
All meetings are to be held at 9:00 Honeymoon Beach.
Annual Meeting 2012:
To be held January 21, 2012, 9 a.m., at the Firehouse.
In preparation for meeting:
 Nominating Committee will have to have slate of officers for 2012 prepared by mid-November
 Budget will need to be finalized to go out with information packet 30-45 days before meeting
 Proposed revision to by-laws will need to be completed to go out with information packet

Additional Discussion:
 By-Laws Committee consists of Stuart Butler, Chair; Mary Dunakey; Jackie Coleman; Gwendolyn Stevens; Wally Henshaw
 Newly formed Welcoming Committee to consist of Erik Akerson, Mary Dunakey, Gwendolyn Stevens, and Nils Wessel
 Beach Committee to be headed by VP Stuart Butler, working with Glen Petit

 Beautification Committee – Mercy Blosser to head
 Discussion about possibility of purchasing artificial palapa top as example on beach –decision not to order this year, due to budgetary constraints
 Parking lot at Phillips Landing – Joanne Bohr talked to D.Smalls at Public Works and we will need to get approval for any modifications before work is done.  Need survey of land to ascertain adjacent property boundaries, which Mary Dunakey will secure.  There is some drain pipe left from road work which might be used. Committee formed to work on this- Ray Lopez, Wally Henshaw, Brad Monroe
 Joanne Bohr reminded EC that all communications with governmental agencies has to go through Administrator Barbara Petersen (   
 Mary Lynn Tucker to get list of current officers and contact people together to give Joanne Bohr, and she will distribute to proper agencies, as Government Liaison.
 Signage for roads –Ray Lopez to get estimate from Arthur Lafranchise.
 Discussion about planting of palms on beach – may be able to ask Agriculture Dept to plant. Beach Committee will work on this.
 Fans in Honeymoon Beach Pavilion need replacing – Motion made & Passed: Ray Lopez will purchase and get Greg Stolmar to install ASAP (before Auction).
 Discussion about need for water testing in Druif Bay- Jim Wilkinson tried in past, need to get DPNR involved. Beach Committee to work on this.
 Dinghy Dock repair – Agreed that it needs repair, but if we fund it, Public Works has to inspect to relieve us from liability. Need to get technical plan and tell D.Smalls that we plan to do it.
 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) – This document is an agreement between WICA and Dept. of Parks & Recreation, having to do with maintenance of Honeymoon Beach.  The existing MOU expires May 19, 2011.  Some discussion held about re-writing or allowing it to lapse, and the challenges in enforcing. Committee formed to work on this.
 Membership Committee Chair, Bob Blosser reported on need to have Gourmet Galley proposal in writing before promoting the discount they offered to our members.  Ray Lopez to write letter to canvas for new members.
 Flagpoles at Phillips Landing need to be repaired – no specific plans for this to be done.

Meeting Adjourned 10:22 a.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mary Lynn  Tucker, Secretary