2014 and 2015 News
Click Here For ALL Information Related To The Proposed Resort / Hotel On Water Island

Posted January 7, 2016 Coming up on Saturday, January 16, 2016 at the Honeymoon Beach Pavilion is the annual meeting of the Water Island Civic Association
Please Note:
The Annual Meeting package was sent via email to all WICA members with a request that a Proxy be returned by any member who is not going to be able to attend the meeting on Saturday, January 16, 2016. As of this date only nine proxies have been received, so we want to again extend the reminder of the importance of submitting a Proxy if you’re unable to attend the Annual Meeting. An email sent to RockyDock@gmail.com listing your name, and who you designate to vote on your behalf, can be used as your Proxy. Or, by going to www.WaterIslandWICA.com the capability exist, in the Members Section, to complete and submit the on-line Proxy.
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry!
Posted January 2, 2016 Last light show will be Sunday, Jan 3rd
Enjoy The Music!
Posted December 30, 2015
11th Annual Water Island Music Festival is sponsored by the Randall Family on Water Island, who utilize their home at Providence Point, as the concert venue.
Dates: January 22, 23, & 24, 2016
Time: 7pm to 10pm each evening
Location: Providence Point, Water Island
For further details and seating reservations please call 340 514-9995 in the evening hours.
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Posted December 16, 2015 It's that time of year again!! Mary "Santa's Elf" Dunakey, has prepared a FANTASTIC Christmas Light Show for all Water Islanders to enjoy!
Here is the schedule;
Sun. 12/20 - 7:00 PM “full show test run”
Mon. 12/21 - 6:35 PM - Mondays will be at 6:35 so you can make the movie!
Tue. 12/22 - 7:00 PM
Wed. 12/23 - 7:00 PM
Thurs. 12/24 - 9:15 PM After Christmas Eve Party
Fri. 12/25 - 7:00 PM
Sat. 12/26 - 7:00 PM
Sun. 12/27 - 7:00 PM
Mon. 12/28 - 6:35 PM
Tues. 12/29 - 7:00 PM
Wed. 12/30 - 7:00 PM
Thurs. 12/31 - 9:15 PM After New Years Eve Party
Fri. 1/1/16- 7:00 PM
* Until it ends...All shows on Monday start at 6:35. Every other day start time is 7:00 PM. The schedule is posted on the Pelican along side the road at Dunakey’s. As usual, please do not park in the driveway.
Questions about show time or special show time request call Mary @ 340-513-2169.
Mary "Christmas Elf" Dunakey
Posted December 14, 2015 There will be a WICA Executive Committee Meeting on Tuesday, December 15th at 7:00PM at the Firehouse
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Breakfast with Santa
Santa Claus is coming to Water Island!
On Sunday, December 20, 2015
from 8:45 to 10:30am
Posted December 2, 2015 SANTA will join the children on Honeymoon Beach, at Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill for a fantastic breakfast. There will be French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Sausages, Fresh Fruit, Pastries, OJ and Coffee for everyone to enjoy. If your child would like to join in on the fun, sign-up sheets are posted on the bulletin board in the mail room. Pre-registration is required, and the sign-up sheet will have space to indicate how many adults will accompany the children, and space for listing contact phone number. You know, SANTA wants to be prepared.
Look on the bulletin board at the ferry dock for more information. The sign-up sheets are on the bulletin board and need to be filled in with your child's name and age, so that Santa's helpers can get everything ready in time. And, adults don’t need a child to gain admittance to Breakfast with Santa, just enter your information on the separate Adult Guest sign-up sheet, and enjoy the celebration of kids interacting with Santa.
There is no charge for the breakfast for children 12 years old and younger.
Over 12 years old, and adults, will be charged $5 each for breakfast.
Additional information is available from Mercy – 340 690-5591.
Sponsored by WICA and Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill
Posted November 19, 2015
November 21, 2015
Call To Order : 9:00 AM Water Island Firehouse
Minutes of Meeting July 11, 2015
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports:
1. Abandoned Vehicles –David Roselle
2. Auction – Mercy Blosser
3. Beach – Agnes Rampino
4. Beautification – Jim Zimmerman
5. Government Liaison – Joanne Bohr
6. Land Use – Chuck Gidley
7. Membership – Bob Blosser
8. Outreach – Mercy Blosser
9. Roads and Roadsides- Doug Ackley
10. Security – Doug Ackley
11. Website – Jim Wilkinson
12. Hotel (Ad Hoc) – Mary Dunakey
Old Business: No progress on second WAPA contact who can respond if Randy Coe is unavailable
New Business: Request received that WICA fund trimming palm trees at Honeymoon Beach. Prior to his resignation, Larry Boschulte was looking into having work done by VI Gov’t. Mr. Boschulte was replaced by Mr. Merwin Potter, but no contact has been made with him as of this writing.
Nominating Committee must have slate of 2016 officer candidates ready for consideration no later than December 10.
Additional Discussion
Mourning The Loss Of A Water Island Friend
Posted November 17, 2015 We are very sad to report the death of Giorgio Bertrand on Sunday Night as a result of a boating accident. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Lisa, Giorgio's wife, and children.
There will be a "Celebration of Life" for Giorgio at Dinghy's Beach Bar & Grill on Saturday, November 21, 2015 from 3:00PM to 6:00PM.
Below is the article clipped from the St. Thomas Source.
Governor's Luncheon For Veterans
Posted October 30, 2015
(October 29, 2015) Governor Kenneth E. Mapp, in conjunction with the Lt. Governor Osbert E. Potter and the Office of Veterans Affairs would like to invite the Veterans of this territory to a reception in honor of Veterans Day, on their respective island. The reception on each island will be held in accordance with the following dates and times:
November 4, 2015 on the island of St. Croix at “Government House” from 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
November 8, 2015 on the island of St. John at the “Battery” from 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm
November 11, 2015 on the island of St. Thomas at Estate Catherineberg from 5:30 pm -7:30 pm
Any Veteran interested in attending any of these events, please call the Office of Veterans Affairs at (340)774-VETS (8387) on St. Thomas or (340) 773-VETS (8387) on St. Croix to reserve your seat.
From IRB
Posted October 27, 2015
From the V.I. Office of Veterans Affairs, Director Patrick Farrell -
Posted October 21, 2015
World War II Era, Korean War Era, and Vietnam War Era Veterans to be Honored.
Rotary East in conjunction with the Virgin Islands Office of Veterans will be honoring Veterans that served between December 1941 and May 1975. This time period also covers any Veteran who may have served during World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War Era whether they served in the combat zone or not. What qualifies a Veteran for this honor is the fact that he or she served in the United States Armed forces honorably during this time frame.
This event will take place on the island of St. Thomas at 6:00 pm on November 12, 2015 at the Ivanna Eudora Kean High School auditorium.
For verification purposes, any Veteran interested in taking part in this event must contact the Office of Veterans Affairs at 340-774-VETS (8387) by October 27, 2015.
“Rotary East and the Office of Veterans Affairs finds it equally important to honor our Veterans from every era. This is an event we are looking at doing annually until every campaign era has been duly recognized”, said Director Farrell.
Beautiful Video of Honeymoon Beach!
Posted July 10, 2015 I found this video on YouTube. Very nice 5 minute video of Honeymoon Beach! Enjoy.
Thank You Public Works!
Posted July 10, 2015 Long overdue asphalt patching on Fort Hill Road has been going on yesterday and today on Fort Hill Road. It is a significant improvement, and they have promised to come back next week with another load of asphalt to finish it off.
Public Works sent over a bucket truck yesterday, as well, and replaced the bulbs and photocells on the Ferry Dock lights. We checked them last night, though, and they continuously cycled on and off, so we have reported to them that the problem isn’t solved yet.
We owe a big thanks, and a big congratulations, to Lionel Olive of Public Works for getting this done… and today is his last day on the job, as he is retiring.
WICA Meeting
Posted July 7, 2015 There will be a WICA Meeting at the firehouse on Saturday, July 11, 2015 at 8:00AM. The meeting is open to all!
Happy 4th of July!
Nice Job WISAR!!
Posted June 15, 2015 On June 12th, Tom Mcoy and Rachael Ackley from WISAR put out a pole fire in Sprat Bay next to Tim Barber's house. They used a whole tank of water and were able to successfully put out the embers in record time. The transformer had been broken from the pole so they were able to drench it in water to make sure it didnt start up again.
They received the call at 5:42am in the morning and the fire was out by 6:26 am!
Well Done WISAR!!! Thank You!
Posted June 7, 2015 If you have not seen it you have probably smelled it! Here is an excellent Fact Sheet about the Sargasssum Sea weed that is in the area. FACT SHEET.
Important Reminder!!
Posted May 19, 2015 The Water Island Phone Directory is getting ready to go to print. If there are changes in your contact information please contact Bob Blosser no later than May20th!
Thinking of You Lee!
Posted May 4, 2015 Our longtime friend and Looong time Auctioneer at our Annual Auction, Lee Shaffer, is going to have a medical procedure tomorrow and we just want to wish him well and let him know our thoughts and prayers are going out to him. Have a speedy recovery Lee and we look forward to seeing you soon!
AARRGHH! Pirate Alby On Water Island
Posted April 30, 2015 Make A Wish Foundation recipient, Alby, saw his wish come true today on Water Island. Thanks to many, many people it was a true success.
After Pirate Alby came ashore on Honeymoon Beach from his Pirate Ship, he engaged some nasty villains and was successful in vanquishing them with his sword. He had heard from several pirate friends that there was treasure buried on Honeymoon Beach and after some skillful deductions was able to follow his map and recovered the treasure! Three cheers for Alby! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!
(all photos copied from FaceBook)
AHOY! Pirate Alby Visiting Water Island!
Posted April 21, 2015 Ahoy Water Islanders!
Make a Wish VI, in association with the Make a Wish Foundation, has been granting wishes to Virgin Islands children for five years and have granted the wishes of over forty Virgin Islands terminally ill children in that time. On Thursday, we will be hosting a special young man on our beautiful tropical island. Join us on the beach as a pirate ship and crew arrive and look to recover their buried pirate treasure.
Alby is a 9 year old young man from Tennessee who has been diagnosed with Leukemia and has no physical limitations. His wish is to be “ a real pirate of the Caribbean” and dig up treasure on a beach.
He will be arriving along with his parents and three siblings at 11:00 am on Thursday morning April 30th.
Make a Wish volunteers will be arriving at 8:30 am to help prepare the beach for the treasure hunt. Please note that portions of the Northern end of the beach will be cordoned off the night before so that a treasure chest corresponding with a treasure map may be buried.
Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill will be open for lunch and her crew will be in full costume. All Water Islanders are invited to attend in pirate costume to support this memorable event.
The Winningest Resident!
Genevieve Alexander
Posted April 16, 2015 Genevieve Alexander, one of our cutest residents, has been on a really hot winning streak this season at Bingo! She has been doing so well that last night she received a sparkling ring! You go Gen!
Clean Up & History Talk at Fort Segarra
Posted April 13, 2015 On Saturday, April 11th
Received from Kelly Boylan-Suazo (Kelly's Karts)
Hi Mercy,
I cannot thank you enough for you assistance with this community outreach program. Our high school astudents from The Reformed Curch are coming over on April 11th on a special 9am run. They will be cleaning and pruning Fort Segarra immediately following a historic talk that will be given by Vince Palancia, (Doc), of th Historical Society. It will be a great way to kick off the event and energize the group:)
Thanks again to yourself and WICA for providing for these young adults prior to their mission trip to the Dominican Republic on April 25th to build a church for the less fortunate. Any donations for this effort would be greatly appreciated as is the lunch that is being provided🌺
Kelly Boylan-Suazo
WICA Meeting
Posted April 6, 2015 There will be a WICA Meeting at the firehouse on Saturday, April 11, 2015 at 10:30AM. The meeting is open to all!
Property Tax Information
Posted March 16, 2015 At the Jan 15th WICA Annual Meeting, the membership allocated $10,000 for an attorney to work with Water Island on the issue of property taxes. The ultimate hope is to create some type of program that prevents property taxes on Water Island from going through the roof when the high end resort is completed on island.
Similar programs are in place in Florida under the Save Our Home program. The first step in this process was to obtain all the current VI tax laws and to obtain information about the lawsuit that St John filed which objected to the increases in property taxes shown on the 2013 tax bill.
Below you will find all the current laws and information on the St John action. Chuck Gidley will act as the collection point for questions and comments. Chuck will assemble the responses and present to the EC for consideration of a possible next step. Send to chuck@waterislandrealestate.com.
V.I Tax Summary V.I Tax Code St. John Tax Lawsuit
Water Island Has Lost A Longtime Friend
Charlotte McFarland
Aug 23, 1920 - March 14, 2015
Posted March 16, 2015 Charlotte McFarland passed away early Sunday morning, March 15, 2015 in Wedgewood Estates in Mansfield. She was 94. Charlotte, and her husband Dick, who passed away in 2009, had been regular visitors every year since the 1970's and were true friends of everyone on Water Island.
Charlotte passed away quietly yesterday in Mansfield, Ohio. Her daughter Pat will send us the obituary and we will post it here. We will miss you Charlotte!
Get 'Em While They Last!!!
Posted March 11, 2015 Water Island shirts and hats are available to purchase at the Annual WICA Auction this coming Saturday, March 14th. Shirts and hats are high quality. Shirts = $45, Hats = $20.
Auction Help Needed!
Posted March 5, 2015 We need your help!! Please contact Mercy Blosser at 340-690-5541 if you can help with any of the positions below.
WICA Meeting
Posted February 28, 2015 There will be a WICA Meeting at the firehouse on Sunday, March 15, 2015 at 9:00AM. The meeting is open to all!
Just A Reminder
Posted February 6, 2015
A BIG "Thank You!"
Posted February 6, 2015 The next time you see BOB BOHR, JIM ZIMMERMAN, and CARL LANGKAMMERER, please give them a BIG "Thank You!".
Bob, Jim and Carl spent many hours buying, installing and fixing new lights and fans and rehanging the doors at the pavilion on Honeymoon Beach. Thank you guys!!!
Posted February 2, 2015 The meeting for ALL Water Island residents with the Water Island Development Corporation reference the proposed hotel development is now scheduled for Sunday, February 22, 2015, 11AM to 2PM at the old tennis courts.
For additional information please make sure to check out the dedicated page for the proposed hotel development here.
It's Auction Time!
Posted January 28, 2015
10th Annual Water Island Music Festival
Posted January 9, 2015 The 10th annual Water Island Music Festival will be held Jan. 16, 17 and 18. Carnegie Hall pianist Julian Gargiulo returns for the tenth year, bringing to the Virgin Islands a performance of the program he performed earlier in January at New York's Carnegie Hall. Joining him are world class musicians including: Maria Yefimova, piano; Roza Bulat, soprano; Alejandro Saladin Cote, guitar; Wells Hanley, jazz piano; Hilary Gardner, jazz singer; Vincent de Luise, clarinet; Luba Dolgopolsky, jazz singer; and a special surprise. The violinist will be the winner of the 'Getting to Carnegie' competition being held at Carnegie Hall on Jan. 11.
In 2006 Gargiulo started the Water Island Music Festival in the Virgin Islands, currently in its 9th season, which brings together classical and jazz musicians for three days of music. Each evening will feature a totally different program of music.
The three concerts will be held from 7-10 p.m. on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, January 16, 17, 18, at Providence Point Water Island. Make plans to come to Water Island - there will be ferry service from St. Thomas Crown Bay Marina and return ferry boats to bring you back. A ferry from Crown Bay Marina will be available at 5:15 p.m. and 6 p.m., and it will continue to run until all concert patrons have crossed. There will be return ferry rides when the concert is over around 10 p.m.
The concerts are free but please bring a donation to cover the artists’ expenses. Due to the demand for seating, indoor seats will only be available to persons who place telephone reservations in advance and long standing patrons who have priority seating. For seating reservations send TEXT to 340-514-9995 or call during evening hours.
The concerts, as always, are sponsored by, and performed at, the Alex & Beverly Randall home.
New Mail Boxes!
Posted January 6, 2015 Notification has been provided, by the USPS Contracted Mail Carrier for Water Island, that Locks have been installed in the set of boxes positioned behind the mail depot that will now allow for regular delivery of large packages. So, as long as your incoming package will fit in the oversize box, and the package doesn’t require a receipt signature, there will be no phone call or requirement for you to physically be at the mail depot, the package will be put in the oversize box and that specific oversize box key will be placed in your regular letter size box so that you can unlock the oversize box and retrieve the package at your convenience.
Additionally, keys have been acquired for the two banks of letter size boxes that have been in place for several years but weren’t being used for lack of keys. Now there are enough unassigned boxes available for any property owner, or resident, on Water Island that would like a personal mail box. In order to obtain a “new” mail box the individual wanting the box must meet with the Contracted Mail Carrier to fill out the proper request documents. To make arrangements to meet with the Contracted Mail Carrier we would suggest calling (340) 774-6980, between 9:15am to 9:45am on mail delivery days, and ask to speak to the Water Island Contracted Mail Carrier in order to coordinate the meeting.
A Sadness Has Fallen Over Water Island
Posted December 31, 2014 Sadly, we have lost one of the most helpful, kind, gentlemen that has ever lived on Water Island. Brian Kiger passed away suddenly yesterday, December 30, 2014. Below is the notice posted by Water Island Search & Rescue.
WICA Annual Meeting
Important Meeting!
Posted December 4, 2014
Community Meeting for Planned Hotel Development
WICA has had many requests to plan a meeting for the Water Island Community to discuss the VI Hotel Lease.
In response, we are planning a meeting to discuss the extensive information provided by both the VI Government and WIDC.
WHEN: Sunday December 7th
TIME: 1pm
WHERE: WI Firehouse
Also, we have a goal to form a small task force of volunteers to research/question and provide feedback to the residents of Water Island before the January Town Meeting.
Review and discuss the following documents
VI/WIDC Lease highlights
Letter to DOI to sell residential plots
All attendees are encouraged to read the documents sent out. Colette Monroe has sent out a lot of information to review. If anyone has not received them, please ask for them.
It is very helpful if all attendees are familiar with the plans and information we have to date.
There is a link on the www.waterislandwica.com website to read the documents.
Task Force members to be determined.
Water Island Tradition!
Ho! Ho! Ho!
Breakfast with Santa
Santa Claus is coming to Water Island!
On Sunday, December 21, 2014
from 8:45 to 10:30am
Posted November 19, 2014 SANTA will join the children on Honeymoon Beach at Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill for a fantastic breakfast.
There will be French Toast, Scrambled Eggs, Sausages, Fresh Fruit, Pastries, OJ and Coffee for everyone to enjoy.
If your child would like to join in on the fun, sign-up on the sheet at the mail room with your child's name and age.
Pre-registration is required, and the sign-up sheet will have space to indicate how many adults will accompany the children, and a contact phone number. You know, SANTA wants to be prepared. And, adults don’t need a child to gain admittance to Breakfast with Santa, just enter your information on the separate Adult Guest sign-up sheet, and enjoy the celebration of kids interacting with Santa.
There is no charge for the breakfast for children 12 years old and younger.
Over 12 years old, and adults, will be charged $5 for breakfast.
Pre-purchase of Adult Breakfast Tickets are available from Mercy – 340 690-5591.
Because you know, Heidi needs to be prepared too.
Sponsored by WICA and Heidi’s Honeymoon Grill
We Lost A Dear Friend of Water Island
Posted November 16, 2014 Jane Shields, mother and mother-in-law of Patty and George Stricker, died at age 85 on Saturday, November 15, 2014.
Jane was a life long resident of Philadelphia, PA and Ocean City, NJ. She was introduced to Water Island fourteen years ago and instantly began to call the island "her home away from home"!
Jane loved the full moons rising on Gregorie Channel, the Sprat Bay Pavilion, Saturday dinners on Honeymoon Beach, feeding the resident turtles outside the Stricker breakfast nook and Tickles. The true highlight of Jane's week was Wednesday night BINGO...she never cared if she won(and she did win!) ...Jane just loved the fun and Mr. Bingo, Himself, aka, Jim Wilkinson!
Jane was blessed with many very special Water Island friendships and treasured the warm hospitality.
Thanks for the memories Jane Shields, and rest in peace!!!
Posted November 12, 2014 Last Minute Reminder!
November 12, 2014
There is an opportunity to register to vote in the run-off election for Governor through the end of today.
The Board of Election Office is in the Lockhart Gardens Shopping Center, above McDonalds.
Thank you very much. It is a critical vote on election day.
Posted November 11, 2014 Just a reminder, WICA EC Meeting this coming Sunday, November 16, 2014 at 8:30AM in the Pavilion at Honeymoon Beach. Come on out!
Call to order
President’s Remarks
Minutes of last EC meeting
Treasurer’s Report
Committee Reports:
Abandoned Vehicles
Auction Committee
Beach Committee
Government Liaison
Land Use
OLD Business
Ferry Dock lights, Beach bathroom renovations, roadside trimming, Golf cart registration should be covered by committee reports
NEW Business:
Hotel Development with planned Town Meeting on Water Island.
2015 CEDS plan
BINGO is Back!!
Posted November 11, 2014 Yes, weekly BINGO IS BACK!! Starting Wednesday, November 12, 2014. Come on down to the Beach Pavilion at 7:00PM for a great, fun time and a chance to win a boatload of cash!
Whew! That Was Too Close For Comfort!
Posted October 14, 2014 8:23AM For those not on island - - - -We REALLY dodged the bullet with the passing of Hurricane Gonzalo. It was a CAT 1 as it approached and quickly turned into a CAT 2 with 110MPH winds.
As you can see from the below photo somebody was looking after us. As it approached, initially going to pass right over us, it jogged just a little to the east. We had/have light gusty winds and some showers and that is all.
We've Lost A Dear Friend
Posted October 13, 2014 Lucy Gidley passed away peacefully in her sleep this morning at a nursing home in Rhode Island.
Lucy was age 90 and had fought the ravages of Parkinsons for over 10 years.
Lucy and her husband Norm moved to Water Island in 1979 and Lucy continued to live here after Norm died in 1993.
Chuck and Linda moved here in 1997 to help take care of Lucy. As her disease progressed she left Water Island in 2011 and was taken to a superb nursing home in Peacedale Rhode Island where her daughters Sue and Leigh and son Chip could help her.
Lucy loved Water Island and enjoyed her children, grandchildren’s and great grandchildrens' visits.
We believe that Lucy is now with her husband Norm, her parents Carl and Florence and most recently our daughter Korin.
Chuck and Linda Gidley
***For a more in-depth article about how Lucy contributed to Water Island click HERE.***
Want To Appeal Your Tax Bill? Here is how!
Posted October 2, 2014 If you want to appeal your recent Property Tax bill download these four (4) Forms for help.
Form #1 Form#2 Form #3 Form #4
Stolen Vessel
Posted September 29, 2014 For VITEMA
NOW We Know Where Everyone Went!
Posted September 27, 2014 If you've been wondering why Water Island has been so uninhabited recently we have found the answer! They're all in North Carolina!
L-R; Christine, Martha, Julie,Carl, Pam, Fred, Ike and Beth! Have fun guys!
Sad News
Posted September 22, 2014 We have been informed that long-time former resident of Water Island, Dick Weber, passed away at the age of 70 in Athens, Georgia on September 18, 2014.
More information will be posted as it becomes available.
The Property Tax Bills Are Here!
Posted September 15, 2014 New Property Tax Assessments and bills are out: Water Island property owners have recently received their 2013 property tax bill. Most, if not all, bills have increased. Some dramatically, some not so dramatically. The new bills are based on the recent reassessments conducted by the Tax Assessor’s personnel.
Up until October 6th, you get a 5% discount for early payment. Payment is not due until December and you can appeal up to December.
Below is an FAQ from the Lt. Governor's Office. To download a PDF of the FAQ click HERE. To find out more information visit the Office of the Tax Assessor & Cadastral.
Posted September 10, 2014 A big "THANK YOU!" goes out to Heidi Erwig and Heidi's Honeymoon Grill on Honeymoon Beach. She recently had all of the Palm trees trimmed AND had Beachy Clean come over and clean Honeymoon Beach!
VERY Important Press Release!
Posted September 6, 2014
From: "Jean P. Greaux, Jr." <jeangreauxvi@gmail.com>
Date: September 5, 2014 5:51:57 PM GMT-04:00
To: "Jean P. Greaux Jr." <JEAN.GREAUX@go.vi.gov>
For Immediate Release Contact: Astia LeBron, PIO
September 5, 2014 (340) 773-1311, Ext. 3171 or (340) 642-8153
Number of Chikungunya Cases Increase in St. Thomas/St. John District
DOH Intensifies Mitigation Efforts to Address Mosquito-Borne Virus
Health Commissioner Darice Plaskett reported today that the Department of Health is monitoring a recent uptick in the number of confirmed/probable cases of chikungunya in the territory. As of today, there have been a total of 30 confirmed/probable cases in the territory. In St. Thomas we have 28 cases, and on St. John there are 2 confirmed cases. Since the first confirmed case in May 2014; no cases have been confirmed on St. Croix, or Water Island. However, we are investigating 22 reported suspected cases on St. Croix and we have no reported suspected cases on Water Island to date.
Chikungunya is a viral disease that is transmitted to people by infected mosquitoes. Symptoms usually begin 3–7 days after being bitten by an infected mosquito and include fever and severe joint pains, often in the hands and feet.
There is no specific anti-viral treatment and care is usually supportive to ease symptoms. On Thursday, the Caribbean Public Health Agency (CARPHA) warned the Caribbean to be prepared for the “full impact” of the mosquito-borne chikungunya virus eight months after the first case was detected.
CARPHA executive director Dr James Hospedales said that almost all Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries have now reported cases of the virus.
Dr. Marc Jerome, Territorial Medical Director for the Department of Health, stated that anyone who thinks they may have chikungunya should first seek medical care at a local health clinic to reduce any potential overburdening of the emergency rooms. Seek emergency medical attention, if you develop any of the following symptoms:
Neurologic symptoms including irritability, drowsiness, severe headaches, sensitivity to light,
Chest pain, shortness of breath, or persistent vomiting,
Fever persisting for more than five days,
Intractable severe pain, extreme weakness, cold extremities, cyanosis, decreased urine output, and bleeding under skin or through any orifice,
Women in the last trimester of pregnancy, newborns, and persons with underlying disease or weakened immune systems who are most at risk for severe illness.
Commissioner Plaskett noted that the Department of Health continues to work with the US Centers for Disease control and Prevention (CDC), hospital officials, healthcare providers and other agencies to raise awareness and prevent the spread of the virus, The department will intensify its public awareness efforts through public service announcements, radio and TV appearances, education in schools and other forums to get the message of control and prevention out to all residents.
The Department of Health’s Territorial Epidemiologist, Dr. Esther Ellis stated that “while there has been a cluster of confirmed cases recorded in the Bovoni area, other confirmed cases are noted to be dispersed throughout the island of St. Thomas.” The Epidemiology and Environmental Health Divisions are also conducting follow up investigation and surveillance in areas where confirmed cases have been recorded to help strengthen awareness and prevention in those areas. In recent weeks and over the weekend, the department’s Environmental Staff has been going into hotspots and neighborhoods to raise awareness, education and prevention.
The mosquitoes that transmit the chikungunya and dengue viruses tend to live in and around houses and buildings so it is important to mosquito proof your home by eliminating water sources that breed mosquitoes. The Department of Health conducts larviciding, a process that involves the treatment of water sources that hold mosquito eggs or larvae to kill off the immature mosquito before it becomes a flying mosquito,” Plaskett said.
“This method of mosquito control was chosen because it is more environmentally friendly and effective than fogging in controlling mosquito growth.”The Department initialized outreach around the virus before entry to the Territory and has increasingly continued to find ways to aid and inform the public about mosquito control. Our Fight the Bite campaign has fortified our efforts as we go into schools with our awareness poster competition, preparing climactic changes by speaking with summer camps, and facilitating discussions at other organization that wish to be a part of our protection messaging. We also publish our recommendation set by the CDC in English and Spanish in various print media. We also have recorded specials that go in depth on how this virus is affecting the Territory. The power lies with us as residents to follow through with these guideline and empower our community to protect themselves.
Residents can help to mitigate the spread of chikungunya by using the following prevention methods:
Use insect repellents - Repellents containing DEET or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Apply repellent only to exposed skin or clothing, follow product instructions carefully. Do not use repellents on babies less than 2 months of age.
Reduce the number of mosquitoes in and around your home by emptying standing water from containers such as flowerpots or buckets. Empty water out of old drums, tires, plants in water, plastic containers, and other items that are not being used. Turn outdoor containers upside down when not in use to prevent water collection or drain them weekly. Make sure your cistern is tightly covered so that mosquitoes cannot get inside and lay eggs.
Use air conditioning or window/door screens to keep mosquitoes outside. If you are not able to protect yourself from mosquitoes inside your home or hotel, sleep under a mosquito bed net.
Wear clothing that protects you from mosquito bites (long-sleeved shirts and long pants).Protect infants: cover cribs, strollers and baby carriers with cotton mosquito netting at all times, day and night, both inside and outside of your home. Dress babies in loose cotton clothing that covers arms and leg.
Treat clothing with permethrin or purchase permethrin-treated clothing.
Chikungunya is reportable by law and all confirmed or suspected cases must be reported to the Health Department using the Chikungunya Report Form. Forms should be submitted via confidential fax at (340) 718-1508. Copies of the form, which have been distributed to health care providers, can also be found by visiting www.healthvi.org and downloaded under Forms and Applications via www.healthvi.org.
For more information about Chikungunya, visit the website of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) at http://www.cdc.gov/chikungunya/prevention/index.html .
Posted August 29, 2014 We have been asked by The US Army Corps of Engineers to post the below notice on our site. It is nice to know all things are good!
Posted August 20, 2014 5 Minutes ago (10:30am) we received a call from the VI Government telling us that the Meeting for the 2014 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan scheduled for Saturday August 23rd has been rescheduled for tomorrow, August 21st at 9:00am to 11:00am at the pavilion. Please try to attend.
Tax Bills Are Coming!
Posted August 19, 2014 The NEW property valuations will appear on forthcoming tax bills. Read the article from the VI Daily News HERE.
No Bingo For Awhile
It's that time of year!
2014 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan Meeting
Posted August 12, 2014 We have been informed that a meeting will be held at the pavilion on Honeymoon Beach on Saturday, August 23, 2014, 11AM to 1PM, to get input from the community on economic development of the Virgin Islands.
There is no agenda to share in this meeting. Residents will speak on their concerns. Approximately, 3 or 4 people (government and consultants) will be coming to the meeting.
To read more about the 2014 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Plan for the territory please read this article on the St. Thomas Source news site - http://stthomassource.com/content/news/local-news/2014/08/07/government-contracts-former-ber-director-fed-economic-plan
NOTE: This meeting IS NOT about a hotel development on Water Island
Gas Delivery Rescheduled
Posted August 1, 2014 The scheduled gasoline delivery for Saturday August 2, 2014 has been rescheduled for Saturday, August 9, 2014 due to impending weather conditions.
Posted July 15, 2014 "Developer Selected For Hotel Development on Water Island" USVI Government Press Release
Bingo This Week!
Posted July 15, 2014
"We Are Family!"
4th of July Parade!
Posted June 19, 2014
Before....And After
Posted May 28, 2014 It took 2 months and over $5,000 but Lisa and Giorgio Bertrand really gave it their all and have given the restrooms at Honeymoon Beach a much needed face lift!
Under the leadership of Lisa Bertrand all new fixtures were ordered, delivered & installed. The entire building, inside & out was pressure washed before a new coat of paint was applied. A much needed new tile floor was installed. The open end of the structure was enclosed to house all cleaning supplies. And, in order to save the USVI Government some money, Lisa coordinated a new water supply be installed! This will greatly reduce the need for the government to send a water truck over on the barge.
This was all made possible with contributions from Cruise Ship Excursions, Top Sail Excursions, Heidi's Honeymoon Grill, Dinghys Beach Bar, Water Island Ferry, Kelly's Karts, and the Water Island Civic Association.
Drum Roll Please - And The Winners Are -
Posted May 3, 2014 The WICA Raffle Drawing for the 2 Round trip Tickets on Cape Air and 2 on Seaborne Airlines was held today at the ferry dock at 10:15 and the winners are - - - - Jim & Diane Zimmerman- 2 Cape Air Round trip tickets and ------- Patty Stricker 2 Round trip tickets on Seaborne Airlines! Congratulations!!!
Also a BIG "Thank You" to Mercy Blosser for selling the tickets and coordinating the raffle!
Sad Announcement
Posted April 28, 2014 It is with regret that we announce the passing of Doug Eyre, Katie's Dad. Doug was 92 years old and had recently left Water Island with Katie this month for North Carolina to receive better care than was available on Water Island. We are so sorry for your loss Katie. Please know that the Water Island family is here to help you.
We will post more information as it becomes available.
Last Minute Announcement!
Posted April 21, 2014 There will be a Propane Delivery Truck on Water Island tomorrow, April 22nd. It is coming over to fill the large tanks for Dinghy's Beach Bar and Giorgio & Lisa have asked the company to stick around afterwards to fill any other resident's tanks. It will be available around noon, in front of the pavilion if anyone needs propane. The truck has a scale and can fill any size tank as the truck carries 2500 Gallons.
Thanks for the head's up Giorgio & Lisa!
Water Island Civic Association Raffle!
Posted April 15, 2014 Seaborne Airlines and Cape Air have each donated two, round trip tickets from St. Thomas to San Juan, Puerto Rico, to the Water Island Civic Association. Each is over a $300 value!!
Raffle tickets are available at $10.00 each and can be bought from Mercy Blosser at 340-690-5591. The drawing for the winners, one for Seaborne and one for Cape Air, will be held on May 3rd at 10:00am at the Water Island Mail Room!
All proceeds benefit the Water Island Civic Association.
Hurry! You could get the "Golden Ticket"!!
Beach Restroom Renovation
Posted April 15, 2014 Thank you Dinghy's!
Here Comes The "BOOM!"
Posted April 9, 2014 This story was posted April 8, 2014 in the St. Thomas Source
WAPA Blasting Activities Begin at
St. Thomas Plant
By Source Staff — April 8, 2014
The V.I. Water and Power Authority will be blasting on the hillside southwest of the St. Thomas Randolph Harley power plant for the next month in preparation for the upcoming switch to propane for power generation, according to WAPA. WAPA contractor Vitol will begin blasting Wednesday and continue for the next 30 days.
Blasting will be carried out once a day, with the exception of Saturdays, Sundays and the Easter holidays.
Demex Environmental Group, a blasting contractor subcontracted by Vitol, will conduct the blasting at 9:30 a.m. each day, barring any unforeseen circumstances. If there is a delay on a given day, blasting will occur at 12:30 p.m. These blasts will be carried out with very small charges, WAPA said.
"The authority has conducted all necessary safety awareness workshops and drills at the plant facility over the past several days to ensure awareness and safety of WAPA employees and the facility. We do not anticipate any flying objects or any effect on the public or WAPA’s active plant site," a WAPA spokesperson said in a statement.
During the scheduled blasts, traffic on the roadway beside the WAPA facilities will be restricted. WAPA is advising the public that the roadway between WAPA’s plant and Arians Bar, at the entrance of the Texaco bulk storage terminal, will have heavy truck traffic moving material from the blast site to a temporary storage area and to consider avoiding the area and taking a different route.
For more information on WAPA’s switch to propane, visit poweringvi.vi or viwapa.vi.
Look Out Gar!
Posted April 8, 2014 These Gar don't stand a chance when the fishermen from Water Island take to the water!
Posted April 1, 2014 Just a reminder, WICA EC Meeting this coming Sunday, April 6, 2014 at 9AM in the Pavilion at Honeymoon Beach. Come on out!
Sad News - Update
Posted April 1, 2014 At the request of the family, Donations can be made to Dream House for Medically Fragile Children in honor of Kori Gidley Ruff
Dream House exists to increase opportunities for medically fragile children to live in a stable, permanent home environment through the development of support resources and programs which increase the number of families and communities prepared to care for them.
You can make a donation at https://www.dreamhouseforkids.org/Donate-Now.donate.0.html
The family will be holding a Memorial Service on Thursday April 3, 2014 at 11:00am at Killian Hall, 908 Killian Hill Rd, Lilburn, GA.
Sad News
Korin (left) with her sister Karolin (right)
Posted March 30, 2014
On Friday March 28th, Linda and Chuck Gidley’s daughter Kori (Korin Gidley Ruff) passed away suddenly.
Kori was married to Trey and the proud mother of Lucy and Chase.
We will always remember her quick sense of humor and dedication to her children and all their sports teams! Water Island was a second home to Kori growing up and many of us attended her wedding on Water Island. Kori was 42 years old.
Linda and Chuck left on the next flight to join the family in Atlanta. Arrangements have been made so their house and pets are being watched over.
There are no details yet, but we know the Gidley’s friends and neighbors would want to know of this tragic loss to the Gidley/Ruff family. We will post more information regarding services as they become available
The WI Civic Association will send a remembrance to the family on behalf of Water Island.
With deepest Sympathy,
Joanne Bohr
President, WICA
Testing! Testing! Tsunami Alert
VITEMA to Test Tsunami Sirens Territorywide
between 10 and 10:15 a.m March 26, 2014
Posted March 25, 2014
Alert / Warning
Other - Planned Event
Issued By: VITEMA
Affected Jurisdictions: St. Croix, St. John, St. Thomas, Water Island Counties
Headline: VITEMA to Test Tsunami Sirens Territorywide between 10 and 10:15 a.m. Tomorrow
VITEMA will test tsunami sirens territorywide between 10 and 10:15 a.m. tomorrow, Wednesday, March 26, as part of a Caribbean-wide tsunami exercise. The sirens will activate to broadcast a tsunami warning message with tone alert. This is only a test of the siren system and no action is required by the public.
Locations of sirens by island:
St. Croix - D.C. Canegata Ball Park, Christiansted Government Parking Lot, Sion Farm, William's Delight, Fisher Street in Frederiksted, near the Legislature Building in Frederiksted, Sprat Hall, La Vallee, Cramer's Park and Divi Carina Bay.
St. Thomas - Cyril E. King Airport, Griffith Park, Yacht Haven Sugar Mill, Red Hook Marina, Enid Baa Library, Fort Christian Museum, Crown Bay (Gramboko), Addelita Cancryn Junior High School, Lucinda Millin Home, Long Bay (entrance to the waterfront), Ezra Fredericks Ball Park, Coki Point Beach and Megan's Bay Beach.
St. John - Cruz Bay, Coral Bay.
This is only a test of the tsunami siren system. No action is required by the public.
We encourage ALL Water Island residents to register to receive VITEMA Alerts automatically. Go to www.vitema.gov/ and at the top right of the page you can register to receive real time alerts. It is easy and a valuable resource.
Keeping Water Island Safe!
Posted March 22, 2014 The WISAR Fire Training today, held at the Water Island Fire House, was valuable training and was attended by many Water Island residents. Well Done WISAR!!! Thank you!
Posted March 19, 2014 We have 22 attendees for the very important WISAR Fire Education Class scheduled for this Saturday,
March 22nd from 10 to 11:30 AM at the Water island Fire House. There is still plenty of time to sign up. Please try to attend this valuable training!
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Posted March 14, 2014 Come on out and enjoy some delicious ice cream treats Tuesday night March 25th at the Honeymoon Beach pavilion. A great fun time!
Important! Take The Time To Attend
Posted March 5, 2014
WICA 2014 Auction Big Success!
Posted February 19, 2014 The 2014 Water Island Civic Association Auction turned out to be a fantastic day! Under the leadership of Missy Petit all of the volunteers that made the day possible did an unbelievable job!
There was a lot of fun, some friendly bidding rivalry, wonderful bargains, professional auctioneers, a most delicious lunch AND a good deal of money was raised to help the Water Island Civic Association work to keep Water Island a wonderful place to live and visit!
A big thank you goes out to Carol Richardson, first, for her donated painting to the auction which garnered THE highest bid of the day and second, for taking some photos of the day that you can view here.
Brian Kiger Fundraiser Update!!
Posted February 13, 2014 The Fundraiser for our dear, dear friend and neighbor Brian Kiger held last Sunday was a HUGE success!!! Over $10,000 was raised to help Brian and his mounting medical bills.
Brian is still in the hospital and we hope his recovery is full and speedy!
Heidi and the Staff of Heidi's Honeymoon Grill did a great job!
A big THANK YOU to all who have donated!
Here Is Your Chance!
IMPORTANT! Brian Needs Our Help Now
Posted February 6, 2014
If there was a fire on Water Island...Brian was there to help
If there was a medical emergency on Water Island...Brian was there to help
If there was a security problem on Water Island...Brian was there to help
If you needed something heavy moved...Brian was there to help
Now, Brian could use our help
As many of you might have heard, our good friend and neighbor Brian Kiger aka "Big Brian", has recently had major surgery and is in the ICU at the hospital. His bills are mounting.
Brian has ALWAYS been there when WE needed help and now we need to be there for Brian.
This Sunday, February 9th, Heidi's Honeymoon Grill will be donating ALL of the proceeds from that day's business to Brian's medical bills. In addition, the entire Staff is donating their time and tips that day.
Please come out and help support our good friend Brian that has always helped us!
If you cannot come out Sunday and would like to help please make a check payable to;
Brian Kiger
and send it to
#1 Water Island
St. Thomas, VI 00802
We will make sure Brian gets your check.
It's WICA Auction Time!
Posted January 25, 2014 One of the biggest, bestest, super, events to occur on Water island every year is the WICA Annual Auction! The WICA Auction will be held February 15th starting at 9AM. This year promises to be more of the same.
There will be Sign-Up sheets at the ferry dock for those interested, please, in volunteering to help at the auction and also to make food goods for lunch. Lunch this year will be $5 cash per person to help defray the expenses.
During the auction you will find some fabulous items for sale at true bargain prices! In addition to the Live Auction, as always, there will be a Silent Auction for some wonderful gift certificates and other merchandise.
Under the leadership of Missy Petit this year's auction will be phenomenal! A new exciting feature this year is that there will be a "Preview Party" the night before the Auction so that you can look and see all of the quality items you would like to bid on during the auction. Just a reminder, February 14th is Valentines Day, guys! We will have more on the specifics of the "Preview Party" shortly.
Stay tuned for further information....................
Who Remembers When?
Water Island Loses A Dear Friend
Louis Arthur Watres
1922 - 2014
Posted January 15, 2014 It is with great sadness that we report that long-time friend and Water island Resident, Arthur Watres, has passed away at the age of 91. Arthur was a wonderful, friendly man that always had time for you. Arthur was very civic minded and gave tirelessly to the betterment of Water Island. Thank you Arthur.
Here is his obituary;
Louis Arthur Watres, known as Arthur to most people, died January 10, 2014 from complications of pneumonia in Paoli Hospital, Paoli, PA. He was 91.
Arthur was a pioneering environmentalist who gave the remaining assets of a once-influential family (his grandfather was a successful Scranton businessman and Lt Governor of Pennsylvania, and his uncle a US Congressman) to the cause of preservation, education and research when he and his mother founded the Lacawac Sanctuary in Lake Ariel, PA, in 1966. Arthur worked the rest of his life to assure the ongoing mission of Lacawac - a work that remains in progress.
Born in 1922 in Bermuda to adventurous parents Reyburn and Isabel Watres, he grew up on the move, living in various locations and on yachts of his father's making. In all he attended more than 30 primary schools before enrolling in Phillips Exeter Academy. He studied fine art at Yale, though his university years were interrupted by his service as a Japanese interpreter for the US Navy during WWII. He was graduated in 1947 as part of the class of 1945W.
Following his father's death and a short stint as a securities trader, Arthur and his mother moved to the family's then-dilapidated country manor at Lake Lacawac in the Pocono Mountains. They spent many years restoring the buildings and trying to eke out a living operating a sawmill, a fish hatchery, and earth moving business. He resorted to textbook editing.
A spirit of adventure - and long winters at Lacawac - led Arthur and his mother to explore the South Pacific in colder months. They booked themselves on a freighter to French Polynesia, and caught copra schooners under sail to various island groups. In 1949 they were passengers on the first commercial flight from Tahiti to the US.
An accomplished artist, he painted and sculpted what he saw, leaving a legacy of mid-century water colors of the Pacific and other island adventures in the Caribbean.
In the 1950s, Arthur began to read early environmental treatises about the limitations of the Earth's resources. Determined to make a difference, he visited scientists at the Museum of Natural History in New York, which led to his acquaintance with a young Dr Ruth Patrick, who became one of the world's pre-eminent limnologists. It was her first visit to Lacawac that set the seeds of the Watres gift of the estate, which surrounds what Patrick called "the southernmost unpolluted glacial lake in the US."
Arthur spent the rest of his life sharing his passion for the natural world and interest in using science to understand and protect it. His body of work - including founding the NE Pennsylvania Chapter of the Nature Conservancy - has been recognized by numerous national awards, Including the Thomas P. Shelburne Environmental Leadership award and the Hornaday Gold Medal, the nation's oldest conservation award, presented by Gov. Mark Schweiker.
He is survived by his son, Chad Reed-Watres, niece, Elizabeth Noble, grandchildren Sage and Olin Reed-Watres, and grand niece Megan Noble.
At his request there will be no funeral or service. Those wishing to remember Arthur are invited to send donations to Lacawac Sanctuary, 94 Sanctuary Road, Lake Ariel, PA 18436.
9th Annual Music Festival!
Posted January 15, 2014 The 9th Annual Water Island Music Festival is sponsored by the Randall Family of Water Island, who utilize their home, at Providence Point, as the concert venue. Due to the demand for seating, indoor seats will ONLY be available to persons who place telephone reservations in advance and long standing patrons have priority seating. For seating reservations call 340-514-9995 in the evening hours.
The concerts will be on Friday, Saturday and *Sunday January 17, 18, and 19,* from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM at Providence Point Water Island. The concerts are free but please bring a donation to cover the artist’s expenses.
Any question, please call Alex Randall ( 340 774-2635)
You can read all about it by clicking here: http://water-island-music.com/
Important Meeting Reminder!
Posted January 13, 2014 The Annual Water Island Civic Association Meeting will be held Saturday, January 18, 2014 at Shaffer Pavilion on Honeymoon Beach. Registration begins at 8:30am and the meeting starts at 9:00am. Refreshments will be served.
All WICA members are encouraged to attend. If you cannot attend please make sure you forward your Voting Proxy to Bob Blosser prior to the meeting.
Thank You Mary Dunakey!
Posted January 4, 2014 As usual, Mary Dunakey has outdone herself once again this year with a fantastic Christmas Light Show. We know that Mary puts many, many, MANY hours into producing an outstanding light show each year to help all Water Islanders and guests celebrate the Christmas Season. Please accept our sincere "Thank You!" Mary.